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Hopefully blue
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Hopefully blue 
Panel 1 
Caption: Shortly after watching Watchmen, Jase and Hope rush home. Jase's mind was full of Smurfs, 
Panel 2 
Hope: OH! 
Panel 3 
Hope: OH YES! 
Panel 4 
Caption: while Hope's was full of something else. 
Hope: OH! Doctor Manhattan!!!

comic search terms: Hopefully blue
comic dialog: Panel 1
Caption: Shortly after watching Watchmen, Jase and Hope rush home. Jase's mind was full of Smurfs,
Panel 2
Hope: OH!
Panel 3
Hope: OH YES!
Panel 4
Caption: while Hope's was full of something else.
Hope: OH! Doctor Manhattan!!!
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On edge
I'm so on freak'n edge right now. I just had to give my girl friend's brother's cat, which has been living here a long time and is much like my own cat, an IV. It seems the cat got blocked up and dehydrated after its inoculations, so now we get to give him a pill for nine days, and an IV for four days. All I can say is, I'm probably more freaked out about giving the cat an IV than he is. There's just something unnerving about knowingly puncturing a creature, even if it is for its own well being. during the process, I try to keep calm and I pet him and he purrs. I figure if I'm calm, than he's more calm, but after, after I'm a bit on edge. Oh well, only three more nights, then he's all hydrated up, and all good. Ok, I have to go find some way to chi-lax.

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