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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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To the recapper
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: To the recapper 
Panel 1 
Announcer George: Hi everyone, welcome back. I hope you enjoyed the words from our sponsors. Now for a quick recap. 
Panel 2 
Caption: Previously on "The three Js", Jacob and Cassandra have communication issues, 
Panel 3 
Caption: while Jase and Hope work out their's. 
Jase: Oh Faye! 
Hope: Oh Doctor! 
Panel 4 
Caption: and of course, there were pies. 
Sound effect: SPLAT!

comic search terms: To the recapper
comic dialog: Panel 1
Announcer George: Hi everyone, welcome back. I hope you enjoyed the words from our sponsors. Now for a quick recap.
Panel 2
Caption: Previously on "The three Js", Jacob and Cassandra have communication issues,
Panel 3
Caption: while Jase and Hope work out their's.
Jase: Oh Faye!
Hope: Oh Doctor!
Panel 4
Caption: and of course, there were pies.
Sound effect: SPLAT!
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Well, we're back to the normal story line. I hope you all enjoyed the advertisement break, I know I did. I just needed a short break from the storyline to recollect myself. We'll see wher eI go from here.

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