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Color me surprised, contest winner
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Color me surprised, contest winner 
Panel 1 
Jase: Hmm.. ok, perhaps I need to take a more drastic approach 
Panel 2 
Jase: Here, watch this. 
Jacob: Midget Mandy's rodeo affaire? 
Panel 4 
Jase: So, how's the movie? 
Jacob: It's repulsive, scary, and yet strangely intriguing. I mean, is she ever going to find those vegetables?

comic search terms: Color me surprised, contest winner
comic dialog: Panel 1
Jase: Hmm.. ok, perhaps I need to take a more drastic approach
Panel 2
Jase: Here, watch this.
Jacob: Midget Mandy's rodeo affaire?
Panel 4
Jase: So, how's the movie?
Jacob: It's repulsive, scary, and yet strangely intriguing. I mean, is she ever going to find those vegetables?
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It was a tough decision
I thought about this for a while now, and I've decided that the winner is Ellie Brandli. This one was painted, which was cool, but mostly I thought it captured the two scenes being in different locations well, and I liked how the tv lighting was captured.

Runner ups. Two runner ups were chosen, Cakeman and Olds97_lss.

I choose Cakeman, because I really liked what he did with the hair and eyes. He also seemed to have fun with the shirt.

I choose Olds97_lss because of the clean separation of the scenes. There's also a trippiness to the shirt, and a general cleanness to the comic.

Cakeman's wife did a good job with the chading and pencil work. The eyes are also interesting, and it actually looks better in the actual copy than it does in the scan.

Scott Buckley's has the introduction of a spider that's webbing Jacob, it's a creative sub plot added to the comic.

DamianP's has cool hair effect on Jacob, and an interesting background, if only it wasn't for the unfortunate tattoo that was added to Jacob, heh, nice jab by the way.

3dMan's was interesting, but unfortunately, it wasn't really colored. I'll have to go dig up some old glasses and view it.

Here's a link to see the entries.

Thanks to everyone for entering, the winner will be receiving a baseball cap (one of two prototypes), a coffee mug (one of three prototypes), and a travel mug (one of 2 prototypes). The runner ups will be receiving a coffee mug (one of three prototypes) and its predicessor prototype mug (one of two prototypes).

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