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The master, MasterSmasher
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: The master, MasterSmasher 
Panel 1 
Hope: How do you keep getting drawn into these games? What can they offer you that the real world doesn't? 
Panel 2 
Jase: Oh... I don't know. 
Panel 3 
Friend popup: You have 69 new friend requests. Click here to view them. 
Chat log: Hey MS welcome back! MasterSmasher you're my hero. MasterSmasher, looking for a team? MSmasher, You're the bomb! Hey MS, wanna hook up again? I've got missions. 
Jase aka MasterSmasher: *sigh*

comic search terms: The master, MasterSmasher
comic dialog: Panel 1
Hope: How do you keep getting drawn into these games? What can they offer you that the real world doesn't?
Panel 2
Jase: Oh... I don't know.
Panel 3
Friend popup: You have 69 new friend requests. Click here to view them.
Chat log: Hey MS welcome back! MasterSmasher you're my hero. MasterSmasher, looking for a team? MSmasher, You're the bomb! Hey MS, wanna hook up again? I've got missions.
Jase aka MasterSmasher: *sigh*
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Knowledge is power.
This comic is for those out there who have never gotten into an MMO (massively multiplayer online). They end up being way more social.. well virtually social, than anyone would ever think. Every so often I get pulled into them, normally though, I like single player or FPSs (First person shooter). What can I say? Sometimes it's just more fun to play with one's self.

Now, on to more important things, Halloween. I'm busy building the pages to support the upcoming Halloween contest. I also have to finish designing the prizes. They should turn out pretty good, and the winners will have some choices. This contest will actually be open to public voting, so I don't have to decide. Heh, I'm always trying to make my life a little easier.

Contest pages not ready
Sorry, I know I said they would be ready by midnight October 1st, but it looks like I won't get them ready (in a rough form) until later this week. I'm shooting for Friday. What have I learned from all this? "Don't announce something until the code is written." Sorry all. I'll end up extending the voting on the submissions.

The prizes are defined, once the site is up, you can submit as many entries as you like and vote as many times as you like. If I notice that you've setup a bot of some sort, or code to vote for you, I'll remove all your votes. Just an FYI.

There will be two first prizes awarded, one for images and one for text. The winners will be determined by votes, so spread the word, once it's up. Get people to submit and to vote.

The winners will be able to choose two of the following shirts:
They will also get some candy of their choosing (a large bag, like one buys for halloween), the types and amount are yet to be determined. I also might sweeten the pot if we start to get a lot of entries.

The rules again are:
  • You can upload as many entries as you like, but bots and automated upload programs are not allowed.
  • You can vote as many times as you like, but bots and programs used to vote are not allowed.
  • All submitted work must be your own original works.
  • Submitted images must be less than 300k and smaller than 1024px by 1024px an in gif or jpeg format.
  • Submitted text must be less than 100k and in .txt format. (html tags and scripts will be removed)
  • All submitted content must be halloween related.
  • I reserve the right to remove any content for any reason, without notice or notification (it is after all my site).
  • All entries must be in before 11:59pm [EST] October 31st.
  • Voting ends November 8th, 11:59pm (this will be pushed back a little since I'm starting late)[EST].
  • By submitting an entry you are allowing me to use that entry on my site in conjunction with this contest, so people can see it and vote on it, and so I can display the winners or honorable mentions.

If you have any questions, email me. I hope to have the submission and maybe the voting site up this week, in a rough form.

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