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My balls are bigger
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: My balls are bigger 
Panel 1 
Caption: I've got big balls, how about you?

comic search terms: My balls are bigger
comic dialog: Panel 1
Caption: I've got big balls, how about you?
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Massive balls
What can I say? Katamari Forever is a strange game that seems to addict most that touch it. It's also the reason I got a PS3. Not so much for me, but rather for another who loves the game. Me, I play Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 on it. I like that game. I've won that game. I'm playing through it again as pro-registration, and I'm almost done with that too.

I'll probably also, very shortly be on Left 4 Dead 2. The first one was alot of fun (if you know people who play it). This one looks like it might have the same pitfalls at the first though.

1.) A near non-existant single player mode.
2.) A very limited number of maps.

Number two is the main reason I stopped playing the first one, and moved on to Killing Floor. That also wound up getting old because of a lack of maps. All of that said, I'll most likely pick up a copy of Left 4 Dead 2, and let all of you know what I think about it.

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