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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: JohneyDoesntDue 
oooOOOooo sparkly 
Panel 1 
Caption: Don't do what JohneyDoesntDue does do. Don't. Or something like that. 
JohneyDoesntDue: Look everyone! I found a birthday candle! Make a wish. 
JohnWeston: NOOOOOOOOO! 
SilverDollarSam: NOOOOOOOOO! 
Panel 3 
Sound efect: BOOM!

comic search terms: JohneyDoesntDue
comic dialog: oooOOOooo sparkly

Panel 1
Caption: Don't do what JohneyDoesntDue does do. Don't. Or something like that.
JohneyDoesntDue: Look everyone! I found a birthday candle! Make a wish.
SilverDollarSam: NOOOOOOOOO!
Panel 3
Sound efect: BOOM!
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And BOOM goes the dynamite
This comic is dedicated to all the friendly fire tnt I've experienced over the past month. It's been a blast.

Well, the tournament has started. It was good to see a bunch of people on there late Wednesday/early Thusday. Sorry I didn't log on Thursday evening, I had to work late, then I got home late, and I've been pretty exhausted during my trip to Chicago, now it's a good exhausted, but it's still exhausted. I've been heading to class at my dojo after work everynight, and then there's the two hour ('round about) commute to work each day, but it's been good. I really missed training, my dojo, my teacher, and some of my co-workers. It been good, but like I said, tiring. I truely look forward to sleep, but I know that once I get it, I'll long for training at the dojo again.

Sorry the comic isn't 100% finished, I'm tired, I'll try and finish it up this weekend.

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