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Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Redundancy 
So many cables plugged into so many sockets. I'm blushing 
Panel 1 
Rod: So let's see, I have DSL, Cable, Fiber, a server to route everything, a backup server, and two UPSes. NOTHING can bring down my internet now. 
Panel 2 
Rod: Oh. Well. I didn't see that coming.

comic search terms: Redundancy
comic dialog: So many cables plugged into so many sockets. I'm blushing

Panel 1
Rod: So let's see, I have DSL, Cable, Fiber, a server to route everything, a backup server, and two UPSes. NOTHING can bring down my internet now.
Panel 2
Rod: Oh. Well. I didn't see that coming.
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Too sleepy to comment, but here's the comic.

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