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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Monday's quote
"In quantum terms, two plus two equals eight."
- Professor R. J. Himmel, 2004 A.D.

Tuesday's quote
"I have faith that evidence is the only way to prove anything."
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

Wednesday's quote
"My darkest hour is more note worthy than your finest hour."
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

Thursday's quote
"I drink to forget, but I don't remember why."
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

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Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: DP-U 
Origin story:  I bought the game, created an account, and suddenly I was a superhero. 
Panel 4 
Caption: And so it begins. 
Screen: DP U-verse ONLINE

comic search terms: DP-U
comic dialog: Origin story: I bought the game, created an account, and suddenly I was a superhero.
Panel 4
Caption: And so it begins.
Screen: DP U-verse ONLINE
     Vote for Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic) on TopWebComics!
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Well, according to steam, I've been playing DC Universe Online for 11 hours, and I only bought the game a few days ago. It's fun. Definately not a bad mmo. I even bought the lifetime subscription. It doen't have everything I'd love to have in a superhero mmo, so maybe someday I'll make one myself. Some day.

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