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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Friday's quote
"It wouldn't be so challenging if you were better at it."
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

Saturday's quote
"Jack and Jill are why we have indoor plumbing!"
- "A study of the over analyzation of children's stories, 1993 A.D.

Sunday's quote
"Never duel with someone better than you."
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

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Cooking with code
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Cooking with code 
Mmmmmm tastes like... failure. 
Panel 1 
Chef Gispachio: There'a we go it's'a perfect fish. Take'a it out. 
Panel 2 
Chef Gispachio: Uh'ta oh'a. Bring'a it back! Bring'a it back! 
Panel 3 
Chef Gispachio: There'a we og. Now'a they be happy! 
Panel 4 
Chef Gispachio: Uh'ta oh'a They ordered'a fish, not'a'da steak. Bring'a it back! Bring'a it back! 
Panel 5 
Chef Gispachio: There'a we go. Now'a there should'a be no mistakes. 
Panel 6 
Confused Waiter: Chef. The plate is empty. 
Chef Gispachio: Bring'a it back! Bring'a it back! 
Caption: If cooking was like code development and migration, we'd all grow old and starve while sitting in a restaurant.

comic search terms: Cooking with code
comic dialog: Mmmmmm tastes like... failure.

Panel 1
Chef Gispachio: There'a we go it's'a perfect fish. Take'a it out.
Panel 2
Chef Gispachio: Uh'ta oh'a. Bring'a it back! Bring'a it back!
Panel 3
Chef Gispachio: There'a we og. Now'a they be happy!
Panel 4
Chef Gispachio: Uh'ta oh'a They ordered'a fish, not'a'da steak. Bring'a it back! Bring'a it back!
Panel 5
Chef Gispachio: There'a we go. Now'a there should'a be no mistakes.
Panel 6
Confused Waiter: Chef. The plate is empty.
Chef Gispachio: Bring'a it back! Bring'a it back!
Caption: If cooking was like code development and migration, we'd all grow old and starve while sitting in a restaurant.
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Yay... 10:30pm and the jack hammers have come out. This is going to be a long night. I don't recommend anyone live next to a major street... *sigh*

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