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Wax on, pun off, 9 of 23
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Wax on, pun off, 9 of 23 
A foul, foul wind. 
Panel 1 
Caption: Still inside. 
Hope: I just can't get over the detail in these.  I could almost swear they were alive. 
Jase: Hah. Don't worry, they're just wax. 
Panel 4 
Jane: Eeeeeeeeh-gore! 
Sam: Oh come on, this exhibit isn't THAT gory 
Panel 5 
Jane: That exhibit just winked at me! 
Sam: It was probably just a trick of the light. 
Jase: Or animatronics. 
Jacob: Or the um... wind?  Sorry, I just haven't said much lately. 
Jane: No. Listen to me! Wait...are you implying he WOULDN'T wink at me?!

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Comic dialog
A foul, foul wind.

Panel 1
Caption: Still inside.
Hope: I just can't get over the detail in these. I could almost swear they were alive.
Jase: Hah. Don't worry, they're just wax.
Panel 4
Jane: Eeeeeeeeh-gore!
Sam: Oh come on, this exhibit isn't THAT gory
Panel 5
Jane: That exhibit just winked at me!
Sam: It was probably just a trick of the light.
Jase: Or animatronics.
Jacob: Or the um... wind? Sorry, I just haven't said much lately.
Jane: No. Listen to me! Wait...are you implying he WOULDN'T wink at me?!

Author Comments aka Comic News

Remember, the Halloween contest is in full effect. Also remember that The Guild has started back up, so go watch it and enjoy.

Halloween link

Winner World Gold Award - "In Sickness" - The Animation School

Horror movie

The Ghost (1963)

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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