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Generals just wanna have fun
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Generals just wanna have fun 
I meant full disclosure on the tape! 
Well, the tape is made of plastic, with a mild adhesive on one side. I think it's some sort of polymer. I can ask the manufacturer if you want more information. 
Panel 1 
News feed: General's deviant sex tape continues to shock the nation. Next up, diva Dora's drinking deluge. 
Panel 2 
General: No comment! NO COMMENT! 
Panel 3 
General: That's it. I've had enough! From now on, I want full transparency with the tape. 
Secretary: Well, it is pretty transparent.

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Comic dialog
I meant full disclosure on the tape!
Well, the tape is made of plastic, with a mild adhesive on one side. I think it's some sort of polymer. I can ask the manufacturer if you want more information.

Panel 1
News feed: General's deviant sex tape continues to shock the nation. Next up, diva Dora's drinking deluge.
Panel 2
General: No comment! NO COMMENT!
Panel 3
General: That's it. I've had enough! From now on, I want full transparency with the tape.
Secretary: Well, it is pretty transparent.
No comments

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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