Comic dialog Hand check! Panel 1 Caption: A penny saved is a penny earned. P. N. Cell: Hmmm.. let's see, I have $10 in the bank, so... Caption: If only someone would tell the IRS that. Panel 2 Caption: Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Huh. I'm not sure that's really true. Panel 3 Caption: I bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush. Panel 4 Faye Gerll: teh heh Caption: That probably depends on who you ask. |
Gary Author Comments aka Comic News Just to make things clear So it's come to my attention that some people interpreted my post on Monday incorrectly. I appologize to those of you who thought it meant that I was no longer going to do the comic. It simply meant that I'm taking a break from doing story arcs in the comic, but I'll still continue doing the comic. The comic is a passion of mine. That means, I don't really postpone it or stop doing it. It's something I put above most other things. I'll lose sleep, skip events, or forget to eat to do it, because I enjoy it. At times it's like a second job, except I don't get paid from/for it, and I almost always enjoy it. There are times when I'm like "oh #@$@# I have to do a comic," but those times are rare, and once I start working on it, I really enjoy it. So yeah, to cut to the chase, I'm still going to create and post comics, on the standard Monday and Friday schedule, and I have no plans of stopping. Again, sorry for the confusion, I obviously didn't word things well on my previous post. Now on to more interesting things, so I've rewatched the 2007 transformers movie. It was really less enjoyable than I remembered, and the transformers were way too complex. They lacked elegance and simplicity. To me, it made them look considerably less advanced. On the bright side, when watching it on a 29" screen, it's really not as bad as I remembered, with the zooming in on random parts. When I first saw it in the theater, I was annoyed because you could never see a fight scene, just random limbs. On a smallish tv, that's not necessarily the case. I still would've like them to show more of the robots during the fight scenes and less just parts of the bots, but on a small screen, it was less of a problem. the reason I re-watched the first one, was so I would remember everything that happened in it (all two and a half hours of it), so I could watch the second one. Perhaps I'll talk about it after I've seen it. Ug... So my internet went down and has been down most of the day. This sucks. I'm actually uploading this via my phone. What's really annoying is that this is the second time this month that the internet's gone out. I've even had this provider for a long time, but out here, they're not as good. The second the internet is back, I'll have to set up a backup connection of some sort. |
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015