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Bursting in air
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Bursting in air 
Wow. I didn't expect you to burst while I was eating you, but I'll take it as a sign and call it a face full of fore fathers. 
Panel 1 
Gary: Mmmmmm yeah... Come to me my little red hot foot long. 
Caption: No comic today, I'm busy making my fore fathers proud by showing the world just how much meat I can suck down without choking.

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Comic dialog
Wow. I didn't expect you to burst while I was eating you, but I'll take it as a sign and call it a face full of fore fathers.

Panel 1
Gary: Mmmmmm yeah... Come to me my little red hot foot long.
Caption: No comic today, I'm busy making my fore fathers proud by showing the world just how much meat I can suck down without choking.

Author Comments aka Comic News

Happy holiday
Happy 4th of July (for those who feel like celebrating it)!

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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