Gary Author Comments aka Comic News
Wizard World 2010 Comics I'm still in the middle of reading all the comics I've picked up, but below is the review of what I have read. Also, I'm working on the summary of my Wizard World 2010 experience. I'll try and finish that up over the weekend for Monday. Until then, enjoy the reviews.
The Apocalypse Plan: This is an interesting/enjoyable take on the apocalypse. Both the writing and art on it were pretty cool/enjoyable. Some of the pages could've used color to pull things apart more, but that's really just me being nit picky. The high level view of the comic, with out giving anything away, A CEO of a corporation goes on vacation, right before disaster strikes the company, and it's left up to the second in command to take charge and straighten things out.
The New Avengers, issue 2: I don't normally plug the big guys, but the art on pages two and three of this comic, I thought was great. From reading a lot of comics, I've seen a lot of people try and give the impression of something very large, and of a place being really cramped, and most fail, but those two pages really hit it for me. I don't know if it's the angle, or how it's drawn or how it's lit, but, to me, there was a sense awe at Cage's size and a feeling of the room being really cramped because of it. From what I've seen of comics in the past, this isn't an easy thing to accomplish, so thanks Stuart Immonen (Penciller), Wade Von Grawbadger (Inker), Laura Martin (Colorist), Matt Milla (Colorist), and Rain Beredo (Colorist). Job well done. (The link is actually the image I'm talking about)
Desmond's comic: While at the show, picked up a print of the first 36 comics, in B&W. It had a 75% success rate with me, so I'll start checking out the web comic, if it's still funny and updated regularly, I'll probably put it on my links page. High level, the story is about the everyday live of a character from a pokemon type game. I also bought one of his prints because it was really cool.
the carriers: I mentioned them before, but I'll mention them again here in the summary. This is one of two comics that I read the first one of and then next day went back and bought the second. It's an interesting start to the story, and I think it has a lot of potential. I'll enjoy watching this one as it continues. High overview of the story, a futuristic/fantasy world where a set of people gained "magic" powers from the stars (some time in the distant past), this caused peace followed by turmoil, enter the main characters and intrigue ensues. I'll leave it at that incase people want to read it.
Billy the Monster Hunter: This is the second comic I went back for issue two of. I actually didn't get a chance to read it through before getting the second, but I read bits and pieces and I like it and the art. Monday night, after the show, I read issue one, and then Tuesday morning I read issue two, on my way to work. This is a really fun story. It's not all dark and self loathing like a lot of comics now a days, instead, it's light hearted and fun. It actually reminds me a lot of the Monster in my Pocket comic that came out after the toys. I don't know why, but it does. The high level overview of this comic is, a kid, Billy, is being picked on by bullies and monsters, so he's given a magical hammer. This hammer can bring his toys to life, and calamity ensues. Issues one and two are definitely a fun read, something to clean out the system after your favorite comic book hero is turned into a psychopathic killer, like all the rest.
Rurban Sprawl: This is a very nice/clean looking comic, but I'll admit, I don't really get the humor. For those of you out there that are more of a slapstick fan than I, you might enjoy it. Either way, it's a very nice comic to look at, even though it has four different artists.
Now for a little comic book rant. At the show, I picked up Power Man and Iron Fist: Essential Volume 1, with out looking too closely at it. I assumed, since it was volume one, that it would start with issue one, but it doesn't. It's a reprint of issues 50->72 and 74->75, so not only is it NOT the first issues, but it's also missing an issue in there. So now I really don't know what I'm supposed to get to read the beginning of these heroes, but I'll keep looking.
More Photos ( I still have a lot more to go through, so far I've just been uploading the ones from my phone, so I'll probably just create a gallery this weekend )
