Comic dialog Ish a ar oo im ba? Panel 1 Samuel: Oh man.. thi-sh wa... wa-sh a great date. Thanks Panel 2 Jane: Urrr Cute. Waii.. thi-sh was a date? Panel 3 Samuel: Wa-shn't it? Panel 4 Jane: Wa-sh it? |
Gary Author Comments aka Comic News This comic is dedicated to all those who met through the blinding and binding power of beer goggles. In other news, I now have a neice! And in even other news, I'm considering making a comic to give away for free at C2E2 (like I've don previous years). It's just a thought right now, since these take a lot of time and I have a lot of side projects on my plate. On the other hand, thanks to a friend, I have a cool idea that could be a lot of fun. We'll see. And further down the headlines, next Wednesday, there probably won't be a comic. I don't want to work on that day, there will probably be a place holder comic though. Ok, that might be all the current news, carry on with your day, and thanks for reading. |
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015