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Fullly loaded
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Fullly loaded 
Panel 1 
Caption: Introducing the new Fincoln Sedan, 
Panel 2 
Caption: and our new incentive program, designed to get you into the driver's seat. 
Salesman: Just sign on the dotted lines, and no one gets hurt.

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Comic dialog
Panel 1
Caption: Introducing the new Fincoln Sedan,
Panel 2
Caption: and our new incentive program, designed to get you into the driver's seat.
Salesman: Just sign on the dotted lines, and no one gets hurt.

Author Comments aka Comic News

It is what it is
Why is it what it is? Because it isn't what is isn't. What can I say, sometimes you have to take the hard approach to a sale.

This comic was done really quick, so I may pull a Lucas on this and touch it up later.

Sorry I almost forgot about the comic today, it's been a strange week, which has left me uncertain as to what the actual day is. Well.. time to work.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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