First impressions, part 2
Comic dialog
Panel 1
Jane: No more chat dates for me
Jase: Yeah, no kidding
Jane: Sorry about that. Maybe I should see the person first, at least then, I'll know they're cute, and unarmed.
Panel 2
Jane: Oh wow. Like him over there. He's cure. AND he's unarmed. here goes.
Panel 3
Jane: i. Um. Would you like to go out sometime?
Angelo: Yeah! Tomorrow night sound good?
Jane: tehe. It's a date.
Panel 4
Angelo: Bsng! Bsng! Hot stuff! You ready for the ride of your life? |
Gary Author Comments aka Comic News
Words of wisdom If you're asked out, chances are good that you should show up in something as nice or nicer than what you were wearing when asked out. You should alos resemble the person asked out a bit.
Ok, that's all I have for right now. I'm tired. Very very tired. I'm so tired, I'm tired of being tired. Sick of being burned out. Time to grab some sleep. Maybe I'll be a little less tired tomorrow.
Commute My commute to and from work lately is like a bad running joke that never ends and never has a punchline. The bus is late, the bus is detoured making it later, the bus then gets stuck behind a half hour+ train... my normal 1.5 to 2 hour each way commute is closer to 2.5 to 3.5 hours each way this week, so instead of a half time job, it's almost a full time job... yay.
RIP rm-r-comic Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015
June 2013
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