Gary Author Comments aka Comic News
Long @#$@ post Calling all artists, if you're willing to do a guest comic for September, shoot me and email. I'd need the comic by September 8th, nothing x-rated, and I'd need to know what name you want me to give credit to, and what what site you want me to link to.
Well, I'm re-watching Deep Space Nine, probably my favorite Star trek, with my favorite of the Star Trek Captains, so expect some Star Trek related jokes to pop up every now and then. I hope that's not a problem for people, and yes, that is an original series Klingon outfit on Jacob. You know, back when Klingons were really Klingons, and not weak willed members of the Federation. Those patak!
I did say I'd talk a little about Chicago Comic Con. It was my first con ever, well the first one I had a booth at, and I'll be at it next year, so I guess that's praise of a sort.
Comic Con Prep
Before the con, I had to prepare, so I numbered the posters I was going to have with me. FYI to other webcomic artists, there's a good chance that you won't sell a lot of posters unless you have a massive following, or you draw characters everyone knows.

I then prepared the free giveaways for the people who stopped by my booth and said the secret phrase. Each giveaway was an rmr imprinted backpack with one of the following hand drawn pieces.

In one of the following poster boxes.

Also with one of the following posters.

One of which I got signed by Summer Glau (I kept this one). How cool is that? And she was very nice, she stayed past her signing time to get to everyone in line. This signature was one of the main highlights of my con.

The Comic Con booth
When I got there, I was dropped off by my mom. Thanks mom. And I setup my booth.

Then there was the awesomeness of the show, that I talked about during the show, and then the show was over.
Comic Con break down

And with that, it's almost 1am and I have to get up at 7:30am for work, so I'm calling it a night, I hope you enjoyed.