Gary Author Comments aka Comic News
Booking a book to be booked Well, I spent the weekend working on a book (not typing up notes or going through pics). If I can get it completed in time and to a printer early enough, then at Chicago Comic Con 2014, I'll be selling a book of the 2013 comics. Whether or not the book is done, I'll have a booth at the show. If you're also a webcomic creator, and you're attending or exhibiting at the show, shoot me an email. It'd be cool to know other webcomic creators who are exhibiting or attending the show.
I also ran into a scare this weekend, as I couldn't find the source for about forty of the comics that are supposed to be in the book. I did eventually find them on an old drive, saved in a folder that's not a folder I usually work out of. That little scare only cost me half a day. I was even to the point of using disk recovery software to see if I could find old deleted versions of the files anywhere. Happily, they were all found. There are now only 4 comics that I don't have original source files for (of all the comics I've posted, not just 2013), and I think that only one of them had original art files. The other three are sketches, that I think I took a pic of with my phone, and then modded the jpg in, so there won't be source files for those. (Source files, in this case, mean the original GIMP files with the art at their original resolution, which I reduce for the web).
I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday, and that you're licking or liking the changes I'm doing to the art style.
Friday's comic will be late Sorry, I'm catching a flight, so Friday's comic will be posted sometime on Saturday. Until then, enjoy this sketch of Mumm Ra which I'll sell at Chicago Comic Con, assuming someone doesn't contact me to buy it before then.

Late, I'm late... It's looking like Saturday is a no go for the comic, I'm tied up with family stuff. I'm not even going to try and say that it'll be up on Sunday, so Monday's comic might be the best we can hope for.