Gary Author Comments aka Comic News
Chicago Comic Con 2014 is approaching Soon (Aug 21st-24th) it'll be Chicago Comic Con, so that means there will be some comic related sketches this week and next, because I have a booth and I'm prepping for it. Sorry the comic's been a bit erratic lately, I've been super busy. There were a couple of family things, and then I was away at an Aikido summer camp, which was awesome, for a week. Right before that, a friend and I finished a side project, and by finished, I mean we completed a first release. Since it's out there now, I can tell you all about it. It's a little game called Frayed Knot, and it's out for iOS devices, like iPads, iPad minis, iPhones, and iPod touches. If you want to support us, check it out, buy a copy, and tell your friends. It's a simple game that has randomized matches that last like ten to thirty seconds (I haven't seen anyone get up to fifty points yet), so it's something you play while on the phone, waiting for something load, hitting the john, etc. Though it's just a simple game, it's the first game my friend and I have finished making, so we're proud of it. Version 1.0 was really rough, so after I got back from camp, he and I worked on version 1.1. That's the version that's out now. This weekend I spent a chunk of time cleaning up the UI, so that will be released as 1.2, a few weeks after Chicago Comic Con. At Chicago Comic Con, I'll have one or two iPads running the 1.2 version game, with a chance to win a free copy. I'll have about one hundred free copies to give away over the weekend. My booth number is G34, come stop by and see the game, or check out the comic stuff, or just to say hi (I often don't bite). The first twenty five people who stop by and say, "sudo gimme," will get an exclusive free print (only 30 of this print have been made, and it has all the main rmr characters on it). I'll also be selling a book of the 2013 comics, giving away postcards, bags, and a small comic mini collection. I was planning on selling sketches like the one posted as today's comic, but I don't think I'm going to be able to do that. I just didn't get enough time to build up a stock of them. If however you as a reader want one, let me know either at the show or through email (click on my name above this post for an email address). The prices are as follows:
- B&W sketch of one of my characters, if you know the name of the character you want, $0. Just a little thanks for reading the comic (Only available at the show).
- B&W sketch of one of my characters, if you don't know the character's name, $5 (Only available at the show).
- A commissioned piece of a character that's not mine (like today's comic), $20 (If you're outside of USA, I'll have to charge you shipping)
The commissioned drawings probably won't take place until after the show, where as the sketches of my characters, since they take me a lot less time, will probably take place at the show.
Since I am still new at all of this, if you want a signature and I forget to ask if you want it personalized, but you do, just let me know. I, like many people, am somewhat introverted, so I don't always remember to ask, or remember general politeness.
Hopefully I'll also be working on more sketches, like today's comic (I probably have around thirty thought out), while I'm there, and you can see me sketching them, just like last year (screen hooked up so you can see what I'm doing). Ok, I think that's the whole update, oh yeah, and the week after camp, Gishwhes took place, that was a lot of fun. It always is. So, yeah, busy. I'm looking forward to meeting some you at the show. It's cool to meet readers.
Here's a drawing I did for Gishwhes this year 