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Guest Comic 11
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Guest Comic 11 
Title: Minimal: Tech Wars - "Not the Matrix" by SC 
Panel 1 
Jacob: Weird. It seems as if I've been living the past couple of months in a dream. 
Project Manager: You have. 
Jacob: Who...? 
Panel 2 
Boss: You're in a Matrix (in no way related to The Matrix franchise of films, video games and comics). 
Panel 3 
Boss: You're been in a Martix for months, while I've tried to break you with excessive amounts of work. 
Panel 4 
Boss: So far, you've resisted. But now, I'll give you ever more work, with shorter deadlines. 
Panel 5 
Jacob: But...why? 
Panel 6 
Boss: Because my purpose as your boss is to create disorder, primarily by being unrealistic! 
Panel 7 
Boss: I will destroy you, Jacob! For you are the One (who gets work done when I'm not around)! 
Panel 8 
Jacob: Waitaminute... I'm not the One. Jase is. 
Boss: What? 
Panel 9 
Boss: I will destroy you, Jase! For you are the One! 
Jase: What just happened?

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Comic dialog
Title: Minimal: Tech Wars - "Not the Matrix" by SC

Panel 1
Jacob: Weird. It seems as if I've been living the past couple of months in a dream.
Project Manager: You have.
Jacob: Who...?
Panel 2
Boss: You're in a Matrix (in no way related to The Matrix franchise of films, video games and comics).
Panel 3
Boss: You're been in a Martix for months, while I've tried to break you with excessive amounts of work.
Panel 4
Boss: So far, you've resisted. But now, I'll give you ever more work, with shorter deadlines.
Panel 5
Jacob: But...why?
Panel 6
Boss: Because my purpose as your boss is to create disorder, primarily by being unrealistic!
Panel 7
Boss: I will destroy you, Jacob! For you are the One (who gets work done when I'm not around)!
Panel 8
Jacob: Waitaminute... I'm not the One. Jase is.
Boss: What?
Panel 9
Boss: I will destroy you, Jase! For you are the One!
Jase: What just happened?

Author Comments aka Comic News

This is the last of the guest comics for a while. Monday starts up the Halloween comics. Each one will have some unrelated Halloweeny music videos in the comments, for some extra fun. For those that don't know, this is kind of my Halloween tradition. I do a long story arc and I throw in some videos in the comment sections to get people into the Halloween spirit.

Last year, I did a 23 comic story arc, and I included a public domain horror movie/short in the comments.

The year before that, I did a 32 comic story arc and included random Halloween vids.

The year before that, was a 20 parter, no links in the comments.

Before that, was a 4 parter.

The years before that where just some quick sketches thrown in on the days I had off, on the week of Halloween.

Another tradition has been, a Halloween contest that I hold every year (since 2009). This year's will start on Monday, allowing submissions until the end of the month, and voting will continue until the end of November 15th. This year, the grand prize for written entries will be a 3rd gen ipad (used for testing). The same will be for the visual grand prize. On Monday I'll make a comment about it, and there will be an announcement at the top of the site, like other years. To check out what the previous contests have been like, here are the previous years (spread the word).

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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