Comic dialog Conceptual learning is like going up steps, once you get up a step, you don't fall back down, unless you've been drinking too much, or are tired, or crying, or faint, or are being attacked by lions, or tigers, or even bears. Panel 1 Graph Y: Knowledge Graph X: Time Marker: When they started instructing Key: Researcher Teacher |
Gary Author Comments aka Comic News Yeah, I know, graphs aren't really my thing. They're way more of an SMBC or XKCD thing, but, this was just some knowledge I wanted to impart. This is also something I learned from my now departed teacher. Yes, another comic related to my teacher, expect more of them randomly throughout the weeks and/or months and/or years ahead. So this one came from him explaining that there are two types of instructors in martial arts, and probably in anything; the teacher, aka the one who "knows" the material, and the researcher, aka the one that is always exploring. The plus with researchers is that they're always getting better, and if you can follow their path with them, you in turn will get better. The plus with a teacher is that they're often much better at explaining their idea, because they've had it for years, so lots of people like this type of instructor better, since they feel they can learn from them. I personally like the researcher way way better, but I've been told I'm not like most people. I think I've been told that both as a compliment and as an insult. Ah well, such is life. |
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015